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Used on all American Pinball games. Includes Transmitter, Receiver and 4 Pin Connector. WCA0016-00
Smart Servo Motors used in Houdini's Stage Mech.These come pre-calibrated for the stop points. The Curtain Motor should be installed with closed door.   Curtain Servo install video:  https://youtu...
Houdini Coil Performance Improvement Kit Installation Instructions:                                 ...
Inspired by the creative theme of Houdini: Master of Mystery, these interior art decals are the perfect accessory for your Houdini Pinball Machine. The original artist of the playfield integrated e...
Used on all games.Direct replacement.
Flipper Return Spring
Flipper Return Spring - used on all games
Oktoberfest Knocker KIT0002-02
Are you tired of having a digitally amplified pop at the end of your matches? Do you want a real knocker that is integrated into the gameplay, more than just Replays and Matches?  Do you want to ma...
R-P-M and Car Target Decals
R-P-M & Car Target Replacement Sheet For Hot Wheels(TM) stand-up targets DCL0014-TRS
6-pack of Standard Pinballs 1.06 (PUR0005-00)
Used on all games Direct replacement.Except Oktoberfest Lower Right Flipper, Uses COI0009-00 (Purple) 
Membrane Switch (SWI0022-00)
SWI0022-00  Used on Oktoberfest Direct replacement for Beer Barrel and Coaster Lock.
Houdini Pop Bumper Toy Hardware
Everything needed to fix your Pop Bumper Toy Mounts. 6 - HEX0406-20 HEX Spacer6 - MCH0013-00 Threader Bumper Rod6 - WAS0006-00 #6Washers